Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Gender Roles, Personality Traits and Expectations of Women and Men Towards Marriage
Elif Ulu Ercan & Semra Uçar pp. 7 - 20 | DOI: Abstract In this study, it was aimed to determine whether gender roles, self-esteem and personality predict the expectations of men and women’ attitudes about marriage. The sample of the study consists 491 people, 345 women, and 146 men. All cases are single and have college degrees. In this research, Gender Formation Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Attitudes About Romance and Mate Selection Scale, and Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale were used. In this study, the marriage expectations of women and men were evaluated by using the “Multiple Regression Analysis (Stepwise Method)” method. All variables are included in the analysis for both women and men. The results of the multiple regression analysis sociotropy, autonomy, and traditional gender roles variables were found to be significant predictors of the marriage expectations of women. As a result of the multiple regression analysis performed to predict the marriage expectations of men, it was seen that sociotropy variable was a significant predictor. According to the results, as the sociotropy scores of men increase the positive expectations towards marriage also increase. According to the findings, it was seen that the variables that predict the marriage expectations of women and men are different from each other. Keywords: Gender Roles, Marriage Expectations, Sociotropy, Autonomy | |
Original Articles Comparison of the Republic Period First Inspector Training Program and Modern-day Inspector Training Program
Gönül Türkan Demir & Adem Bayar pp. 21 - 47 | DOI: Abstract To be able to talk about the existence of a successful education system, it is important to inspect all stages as much as the inputs, processes, and outputs of the system. To reach the distant goals of education smoothly, the close goals need to be checked, problems should be detected and corrected in a right time and in a suitable way, necessary changes should be done before it is too late. The training of inspectors, which is important at all levels of education system is very important. In this study, texts written about the contents of first practice regarding the training of inspectors in the first years of Republic will be examined. It is aimed to present the criteria of inspector training through the curriculum courses opened in that period and to compare with today’s applications. In addition, the list of teachers who attended the courses opened in Ankara and Sivas will be included. Thus, expectations from the inspectors of the period will be revealed and contribute to the interpretation of today's inspection understanding. This study was carried out using document analysis method which is a qualitative research approach. The First Educational Inspector Courses, curriculum and the texts including list of the teachers’ names who attended courses in Ankara and Sivas were translated into modern-day Turkish. The findings of this study consist of the content of the training given in the first educational courses, professional sufficiency and the education methods providing that sufficiency, training duration of the courses organized in Ankara and Sivas, lists of teachers names attended courses. In training inspection in first years of Republic, it has been found that the aims of principles of education were prioritized. Keywords: Inspection, Inspector, Inspection of Education, Elementary, History of Turkish Education | |
Original Articles Development of Group Dynamics Scale (Gds): Validity and Reliability Study
Muhammed Zincirli & Yeşim Demir pp. 48 - 60 | DOI: Abstract We developed a scale to assess teachers’ perceptions of group dynamics in schools. The sample consisted of 995 teachers from five public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, Turkey. Construct validity was determined using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The EFA results revealed a one-factor structure that accounted for 44% of the total variance. The CFA results indicated acceptable goodness of fit indices for the one-factor group dynamics scale (GDS) model. Criterion validity was determined using the scale of organizational silence (SOS) and the person-organization fit scale (POFS). The results showed that the GDS was positively correlated with POFS and negatively correlated with SOS. Reliability was measured on three different samples. The GDS had a Cronbach’s alpha (α: internal consistency coefficient) of .88 to .89. Reliability was also analyzed using the test-retest method. The results showed that the GDS had an acceptable reliability coefficient. These results indicated that the GDS was a reliable measure. The “upper and lower 27 percent rule” and corrected item-total correlation coefficients were used for item analysis. The former revealed acceptable results for all three samples, while the latter revealed significant t-test results for all items. All these results indicate that the GDS is a valid and reliable measure. Keywords: Group Dynamics, Scale Development, Validity, Reliability | |
Original Articles Emergency Remote Teaching from the Perspective of Pre-service Teachers: An Evaluation through Digital Stories
Funda Ergulec & Esra Eren pp. 61 - 77 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the perspectives of pre-service teachers regarding the emergency remote teaching that took place with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The feelings, thoughts and experiences of the pre-service teachers were examined through digital stories prepared by themselves. This case study was carried out within the scope of the Multimedia Design and Production course in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The participants consist of 35 third- and fourth-year pre-service teachers who are studying in the Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies. The data of the research are composed of digital stories prepared by the participants and their responses to an online questionnaire form consisting of open-ended questions. The data were analyzed by content analysis method. The data obtained were collected under four themes: pre-service teachers’ expectations for the distance learning process and their feelings at the beginning of the process, pre-service teachers access to the learning materials, technology and faculty members during the emergency remote teaching, pre-service teachers' self-regulation skills during the emergency remote teaching, and pre-service teachers' mood during the emergency remote teaching. Keywords: Emergency Remote Teaching, Digital Storytelling, Pre-service Teachers | |
Original Articles Critical Discourse Analysis on the Effects of Covid 19 on the Future of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
Erhan Yesılyurt pp. 78 - 98 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse the discourses of prospective teachers who were taking teaching Turkish to foreigners course about the effects of Covid 19 on the future of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Analysing the discourses of prospective teachers who will teach in the field about the effects of Covid 19 on the future of teaching Turkish as a foreign language is important in terms of providing a more quality language education during and after Covid 19 process. The presents study is a qualitative study. The study group consists of 59 students studying at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Ereğli Faculty of Education, department of Turkish language teaching since they were receiving teaching Turkish as a foreign language course and they will graduate from the related department. open – ended questitions are applied to the participants in the study. Critical discourse analysis was carried out to analyse the discourses of the participants. As a result of the study, it was concluded that although Covid 19 had a negative influence on language teaching activities, with positive state policies and with more frequent use of distance education and online education, these problems have been overcome and more people can be interested in Turkish in the future. Keywords: Language Education, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Covid 19, Discourse Analysis, Online Education | |
Original Articles Gender Issues in English Language Teacher Education: Cinderella’s Awakening through Comparative Literature
Esin Kumlu & İrem Çomoğlu pp. 99 - 112 | DOI: Abstract The socio-dynamics of the 21st century classroom reveals the importance of gender sensitivity as a living mechanism which constructs both intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. This study explores how reading and discussing comparative children’s literature could impact pre-service English teachers’ understanding of gender issues at a university in the west of Turkey. Adopting a qualitative case study design, the present study involved 25 senior pre-service teachers who were taking the literature course in the 2018-2019 academic year, fall term. Data was collected through written reports and semi-structured interviews. We analyzed the data inductively with codes and themes developing out of a recursive process of data collection and analysis. The findings display that a comparative analysis of fairy tales is an effective means through which the pre-service teachers develop gender sensitivity and become critically literate as a teacher. Besides, the comparative analysis helps the female participants improve self-sufficiency as a woman. Implications are also included for language teacher education programs. Keywords: Comparative Literature, Gender Issues, Pre-Service English Teachers, Qualitative Case Study | |
Original Articles Examining the Opinions of School Principals Regarding Unethical Issues in School Management
İsmail Erol & İsmail Karsantık pp. 113 - 138 | DOI: Abstract This study aims to explore the ethical issues faced by principals working in public schools and determining their responses during and after unethical matters. This research was conducted in phenomenology design as qualitative study. Thirty school principals working in Tekirdağ province, Süleymanpaşa district public schools (special education, preschool, primary school, secondary school, and high school) participated in the study. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. The findings were analyzed by applying the content analysis method and presented by creating themes and codes with quotations. The findings show that school principals are not involved in financial processes. Their relationships with parents are more discreet and they are sensitive in their relations with staff. There is no deliberate discrimination among teachers, they are neutral in tenders and canteens, they embrace the interests of students in opening courses, and they are far from financial expectations in student enrolments. For minimizing the ethical difficulties in schools and establishing a regular school ethical chain, it has emerged that the moral principles in schools should be defined beforehand. Administrators should be trained ethically before their assignment. Simultaneously, the obligation of solving financial difficulties, which are the source of ethical problems in schools, has emerged. Keywords: School Management and Ethics, Ethical Problems, School Principals, Ethical Values, Phenomenology | |
Original Articles SWOT Analysis for the Distance Education Process of Lecturers Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
Mete Yusuf Ustabulut pp. 139 - 152 | DOI: Abstract Nowadays, distance education programs are increasing with the Covid-19 outbreak. Due to the number of options based on distance education, it is aimed to provide a higher quality to service users. One of the important methods to increase the quality of distance education services is SWOT analysis. SWOT Analysis enables organizations to see their strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) and position them according to Opportunity (O) and Threats (T) that may occur in the external environment. The method of this research is phenomenology, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group of the research was selected by purposeful sampling technique. The analysis forms were collected from the lecturers via digital mail on a voluntary basis. Therefore, the study reached 48 instructors teaching Turkish as a foreign language in different regions of Turkey. In the research, a SWOT analysis form (4 questions) was used to understand distance education practices. The data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive analysis technique. According to the results, the strength of teaching Turkish as a foreign language in distance education is “flexibility in time and place” with a ratio of 58%. Again, "flexibility in time and space" was evaluated as an opportunity with a rate of 42%. The weakest aspect of teaching Turkish in distance education seems to be "technical problems" with a rate of 29%. The instructors rated the “lack of the classroom environment” as the biggest threat with 30%. Finally, it can be asserted that the findings of the study sheds light on distance education practices in the Covid 19 pandemic process in terms of teaching Turkish to foreigners. Keywords: Distance Education, SWOT Analysis, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language | |
Original Articles Disciplinary Power in The School: Panoptic Surveillance
Gözde Çeven, Mithat Korumaz & Yunus Emre Ömür pp. 153 - 171 | DOI: Abstract The curiosity on how disciplinary power operates in a secondary school in the context of Panoptic surveillance became our motive. We designed the study as a single case study in qualitative approach to grasp the holistic understanding of disciplinary power, surveillance, and resistance to it in a secondary school. The data were obtained by a set of data collection techniques including a focus group interview, semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis. The content analysis method was employed to analyze the collected data. In the analysis, we identified the themes of forced docility, norm provider, and reflection on discipline. To the findings, the main disciplinary power practice in this school is surveillance on appearances, behaviors, and exams, and the students prefer reacting to surveillance practices in two ways: either normalizing their behaviors or displaying resistance and insisting on the undesired behaviors. For further research, the relation between power, surveillance, and resistance can be analyzed as multiple case study to compare the findings at different types of school. Keywords: Disciplinary Power, Foucault, Surveillance, Resistance, Secondary School | |
Original Articles History Courses and Values Education: History Teachers’ Evaluation of History Education Processes in Turkey in Terms of Values Education
Osman Okumuş pp. 172 - 193 | DOI: Abstract Values education is a subject matter that draws attention in history education in every period. As history is about people's past lives, it naturally presents the heritage values of the society. In addition, the confrontation of the students with the historians’ process of history making also contributes to both seeing these values and developing other values through some collaborative processes. There exists a special relationship between history and values education and both strengthen one another over the heritage values. The main purpose of the study is to learn history teachers’ views about value education within the context of history courses. History teachers were asked to evaluate history courses, curriculum, and textbooks in terms of values education, and their opinions about classroom practices and effective values education were received. In this respect, qualitative research approach and case study design in accordance with its nature was adopted in the study. In 2020, 16 history teachers were interviewed via a semi-structured interview form, and the data obtained were analysed via content analysis and presented. As a result, it was observed that history teachers considered history courses as an ideal field in terms of values education. Despite this, they did not find the curriculum and textbook sufficient and they carried out values education with their own efforts, mostly through classroom practices. Teachers emphasized that there would be opportunities for effective values education in a history lesson where student-centred activities were carried out, history was not abused and its social aspect was emphasized more. Keywords: Value Education, History Education, History Course Book, History Curriculum, In-Class Practices. | |
Original Articles The Influence of Active Learning Provided By Distance Education on Academic Achievement, Self-Efficacy And Attitudes in Art Education
Sehran Dilmaç pp. 194 - 209 | DOI: Abstract This research was carried out to examine the effects of active learning methods, which take the information away from memorization and make it applicable in daily life, on the achievement, attitude and self-efficacy of the ‘Contemporary Art Practices’ course taken by the undergraduate students. In the study, single group pretest-posttest experimental design, which is one of the quantitative research approaches, was used. The research was carried out on 15 students studying at the 1st and 2nd Grades of Izmir Katip Çelebi University in the fall semester of 2019-2020 in Turkey on the pandemic process. Contemporary Art Practices course was conducted by using active learning methods 'brainstorming, demonstration, speech ring, story creation and Phillps 66'. In this study, 'Contemporary Art Practices Course Achievement Test', 'Attitude Scale' and 'Self-Efficacy Scale' developed by the researcher were used as data collection tools. In the study, it was examined whether the data obtained had a normal distribution. For this, Shapiro-Wilk test was used. Relationship sample t-test was used to compare the data obtained before and after active learning activities. Analyzes were made using statistical program. The results of the research are that active learning methods have a significant effect on the achievements, attitudes and self-efficacy of the ‘Contemporary Art Practices’ course that the undergraduate students take via distance education. Keywords: Art Education, Active Learning, Distance Education, Pandemic Process | |
Original Articles Yunus Emre Institute Students' Views on the Distance Turkish Learning Portal
Umut Başar & Önder Çangal pp. 210 - 235 | DOI: Abstract Only a few applications to teach Turkish as a foreign language through remote or distance learning platforms have been developed in recent years in Turkey. Distance Turkish Learning Portal (DTLP), developed by Yunus Emre Institute to teach Turkish remotely, is one of these applications. An unexpected interest in this practice was observed after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the portal is still in the trial phase. For this reason, although user feedback is vital in order to improve the portal, no academic research on this issue has been conducted yet. In this context, the researcher aims to evaluate the Distance Turkish Learning Portal as regards students' opinions. For this purpose, a qualitative research model, which is frequently used in educational sciences, was used to collect data, and a subsequent case study was carried out for an in-depth evaluation of their beliefs. The methods were employed to effectively and reliably collect data on learners’ beliefs on the issue in question. Data was collected through a Google form that was shared with the participants. As a result of the research, it is understood that the participants enjoyed using the portal in that, firstly, it is free; secondly, it provides the opportunity to get to know Turkish culture, and finally, it also supports autonomous and self-learning. On the other hand, the technical infrastructure of the portal is insufficient, and there is no instructional or tutorial support, lack of interactive speaking features, besides the number of videos have been found to be inadequate by the users. At the end of the study, based on the findings, some suggestions were offered by the researchers to improve the Distance Turkish Learning Portal. Keywords: Distance Learning Turkish, Learner Views, Language Teaching, Yunus Emre Institute | |
Original Articles Adaptation of the Perceived Self Efficacy Toward STEM Knowledge Survey into Turkish
Nagihan İmer Çetin, Betül Timur & Serkan Timur pp. 236 - 248 | DOI: Abstract This study aimed to adapt the Perceived Self Efficacy toward STEM Knowledge Survey, developed by Lee, Hsu, and Chang (2019), into Turkish to measure teachers' self-efficacy perceptions regarding STEM education. For this purpose, validity and reliability analyzes of the survey were made. Participants were 204 in-service teachers who were working in different branches and from various cities in Turkey. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to investigate whether the survey showed a similar structure with six factors and 30 items as the original version. The study findings showed that the adapted survey consisted of six factors, namely, scientific inquiry, technology use, engineering design, mathematical thinking, and synthesized knowledge of STEM and attitudes toward STEM education. Also, the t-test results of 30 items in the survey were found to be significant. The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated as .972. The results demonstrated that the Turkish version of the Perceived Self Efficacy toward STEM Knowledge survey consisting of 6 factors and 30 items was a valid and reliable measurement tool. Keywords: STEM, STEM Knowledge Survey, Teacher, Scale Adaptation, Self-Efficacy | |
Original Articles Effect of the Lesson Study Practice on Students’ Academic Achievements in Life Sciences Course
Mücahit Ayra & İlker Kösterelioğlu pp. 249 - 270 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this research is to examine the effect of the lesson study practice on the academic achievements of primary school students in the Life Sciences Course. The study was performed with quantitative research method by using a quasi-experimental design, namely, the pretest-posttest control group design. The research was conducted with the participation of six primary school teachers and 167 third-year students who were enrolled at six different sections in two different primary schools at the center of Ağrı province of Turkey. The participants were selected through purposive sampling method. As the data collection tool, the academic achievement test which was prepared by the researchers was utilized. The practice of the lesson study took seven weeks and was performed in the context of achievements referred to in the Life Sciences Course Instruction Program in relation to ‘Life at Our Home’ unit. At the primary school with relatively low socio-economic and academic achievement levels, there was an increase in the academic achievements of the experimental groups in association with the practice of lesson study whereas there was no statistically significant difference in the control group. At the primary school with relatively high academic achievement and socio-economic levels, there was a statistically significant increase in the academic achievements of both the experimental groups and control group. Upon the analysis of research findings, it was found that there was a significant improvement in students’ academic achievements in association with the practice of lesson study practice particularly at schools with low level of academic achievements. Keywords: Lesson Study, Professional Development, Primary School Teacher, Life Sciences Course | |
Original Articles Teacher Candidates’ Value Perceptions and Their Opinions on the Acquisition of Values in Education Faculties
Engin Demir, Yusuf Budak & Filiz Çetin pp. 271 - 286 | DOI: Abstract This research aims to determine teacher candidates’ value perceptions and their opinions on the acquisition of values to teacher candidates, in education faculties. In the research, a survey model was used to describe an existing situation. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to 2274 teacher candidates. Research results show that the value perceptions of male teacher candidates are lower than female teacher candidates. The value perceptions of teacher candidates who chose the teaching profession because they had to, were lower than those who preferred it because they loved it. Perceptions of teacher candidates about the acquisition of values are low in the sub-dimensions of understanding and empathy, and medium in the other sub-dimensions. Teacher candidates’ perceptions of the values that teachers should have are quite high in all sub-dimensions. Despite this, the scores regarding the acquisition of the same values in education faculties are statistically significantly lower and middle levels. These results indicate that the values cannot be gained enough in education faculties. Various suggestions were made in line with the research findings and results, and recommendations were made for future research. Keywords: Teacher Training, Teacher Candidates, Value Perception, Acquisition of Values, Teaching Profession | |
Original Articles The Impact of POW + C-SPACE Strategy on Story Writing Skills of Turkish Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
Kürşat Öğülmüş & Macid Ayhan Melekoğlu pp. 287 - 305 | DOI: Abstract Since specific learning disabilities (SLD) are widely observed among students with special needs, it is considered in the high-incidence disabilities category of special education. Students with SLD experience academic problems in reading, writing and mathematics, and difficulty in written expression is among their prominent characteristics. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the Pick my idea-Organize my notes-Write and say more + Characters-Setting-Purpose-Action-Conclusion-Emotions (POW + C-SPACE) strategy developed on the basis of self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) on story writing skills of students with SLD in Turkey. In this quantitatively designed study, pretest - posttest experimental design with control group was used, and the participants consisted of 23 students with SLD at middle school level. The results indicated that the change between pretest and posttest story writing skills scores of participants in the experimental group was statistically significant compared to the change in the scores of participants in the control group. In addition, the change between pretest and posttest self-regulation scores and attitude for writing scores were statistically significant compared to the difference in the scores of students in the control group. Findings manifested that the POW + C-SPACE strategy had positive impact on the story writing skills of the students with SLD in Turkey. Teachers of students with SLD need to be trained on POW + C-SPACE strategy and future research is needed with different samples of students with SLD and teachers by using various research methods. Keywords: Self-Regulated Strategy Development, Story Writing Skill, Writing Difficulty, Specific Learning Disabilities, POW + C-SPACE Strategy | |
Original Articles Analysing the Role of External Policy Interventions in Explaining the Trend of School Educators’ Intrinsic Motivation
Kamil Yıldırım pp. 306 - 327 | DOI: Abstract This study investigated the role of external policy interventions in explaining the trend of school educators’ professional intrinsic motivation. Through the explanatory sequential design of the mixed study, we first described the trend in the intrinsic motivation of a total of 1 470 school educators between 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 by four-legged cross-sectional sub-studies. Then, we collected retrospective narrative data to give meaning the trend. We analyzed the data by descriptive statistics (F and Ƞ² tests) and content analysis. At the end of the study, we found out a negative significant trend in educators’ intrinsic motivation as the years progressed. Past experiences of educators indicated the meaningful role of external policy interventions in generating this trend. Keywords: Policy Interventions, School, Trend, Intrinsic Motivation, Mixed Study | |
Original Articles Effect of the Physical Education and Sport Classes on the Physical Capacity of Children with Special Educational Needs
Pervin Toptaş Demirci & Rositza Tzarova pp. 328 - 355 | DOI: Abstract In this study was to determine the impact of physical education and sports lesson on the physical capacity of children with special eğitime needs and on this basis to outline the main directions for of educational process in secondary schools. Totally, 67 students region Kars in the of Turkey from 22 secondary education school participated in this study. They divided into groups according to their gender and health status; children with normal physical and mental development (24 boys, 18 girls; control group) and children with special education needs (15 boys, 10 girls; experimental group). Children's height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were used a standard methodology, a manual dynamometer to measure the strength of the upper limb and a test battery to determine their physical capacity. Regarding inclusive education, questionnaires were collected from physical education teachers. Results were compared with the total sample and between the two target groups. According to the findings of the research, when the change in physical capacity characteristics of boys and girls with and without special education needs is examined; Sprint 20 m, Hand Dynamometer - appropriate upper limb, Dynamometry - Inappropriate upper limb, Throwing a thick ball, Jumping to length, Crunches, 400 m running, Depth of inclination, after the experiment; although it has different effects on the physical capacities of children with cognitive, hearing and vision problems, it has not statistically significant compared to the groups In order to develop the physical capacity of children with special educational needs, physical education and sports lesson activities should be increased, and new models should be developed. Limitations, suggestions for future research and implications for practice are discussed. Keywords: Physical Education, Physical Capacity, Children, Special Educational, Disability | |
Original Articles A Corpus-Based Proposal for the Vocabulary to be Taught at A1 Level in the Teaching of Turkish as a Foreign Language
Ramazan Şimşek & Mesut Gün pp. 356 - 373 | DOI: Abstract While the significance of corpus-based research in the teaching of foreign language and native language is increasing, the need for such studies is also increasing accordingly. The priority of the vocabulary taught in language education are identified through corpus-based studies in line with the international criteria set in the relevant field. Corpora and sub-corpora consisting of many layers, written and oral, improve the efficiency of the teaching/learning process for both teachers and learners. Corpus-based studies aiming to create word lists to be taught at the basic level are significant in this context to meet the needs of learners and teachers. In this study, 7 different A1 level textbooks and about 114-thousand-word data set used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language were examined based on the relevant corpus, and the type/token ratios of the sub-corpus were identified. The most frequently used words in A1 corpus in the field of Turkish teaching as a foreign language are classified according to their types. Frequency lists of the words that are considered to be functional and useful in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language for both teachers and learners have been prepared; 250 most frequently used nouns, adjectives and verbs; 750 different words, which are considered to be a fairly comprehensive number for the basic level, are presented as suggestions within the scope of this study. Keywords: Corpus, Vocabulary Load, Coursebooks, Teaching Turkish to Foreigners as a Foreign Language | |
Original Articles Trends of Articles on Technology-Assisted Turkish Education
Abdullah Şahin, Burcu Çiftçi & Mert Başbayrak pp. 374 - 393 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the tendencies of the articles published on the use of technology in Turkish education from different aspects such as subject fields, methods, data collection tools used in research, data analysis methods, sampling features. The scope of the research consists of articles indexed by Google Scholar in the field of technology-assisted Turkish education between 2000 and 2018. In the study, all articles were reviewed by using “Turkish Education Publication Classification Form (TEYSF)” and descriptive analysis was applied for these studies. According to the research findings in which 100 articles were reviewed, it was determined that there were deficiencies in the method parts of the studies. It has been determined that the researchers prefer using 21 to 30 references per article. Also, the journal of Turkish Studies has been found to publish the most articles in the field of technology-assisted Turkish education. However, it has also been determined that the research questions are not explicitly stated in the articles. It was determined that studies with 1 or 2 authors were performed at a rate of 81% in article studies, however, 79% of the articles were published between 2013 and 2018, and that, when the fields of Turkish education of articles were analyzed, most studies were made in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. While making data analysis of the research, it was concluded that the frequency/percentage/Figure, SPSS, t-test were mostly preferred for the quantitative part, and descriptive analysis for the qualitative part. As a result, articles written in the field of technology assisted Turkish education are discussed in many dimensions and suggestions for researchers are given based on the study. Keywords: Turkish Education, Teaching Turkish to Foreigners, Technology-Assisted Turkish Education, Research Trends | |
Original Articles Investigation of the Effects of Some Variables on Middle School Students’ Problem-Solving Skills, Science Process Skills and Learning Styles
Güliz Kaymakcı & Şendil Can pp. 394 - 426 | DOI: Abstract The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of gender, type of the school attended and mother/father’s educational background on middle school students’ problem-solving, science process skills and learning styles. The population of the present study consists of all the 4th-grade students in the secondary schools in the city of Muğla in the 2012-2013 school year while the sample consists of 569 middle school fourth grade students. As the data collection tools, “The Problem-Solving Inventory”, “The Science Process Skills Test”, “The Kolb Learning Styles Inventory” and a student information form were used. The data were analyzed by using a variety of statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, One way ANOVA and Chi-Square test. As a result of the study were found that middle school students mostly use the “Avoidance” sub-dimension. Also, there isn't any difference was found between problem-solving skills and gender, the school attended, mother and father’s education level. Also, it was found that the students frequently used “Basic Science Process Skills” and that there is not any statistically significant difference between science process skills and gender and maternal education level yet there is a significant difference between science process skills and the school attended and father’s education level and “Integrated Process Skills” were found to be correlated with father’s education level. On the other hand, learning styles were found to be varying significantly depending on the school attended but not depending on gender and maternal education level and father’s education level and it was also found that the highest number of students has the “Diverging” learning style while the lowest number of students has the “Accommodating” learning style. Thus, it can be said that planning instructional and educational activities in such a way as to give feedbacks to individual students can increase efficiency of learners. Keywords: Problem- Solving Skills, Science Process Skills, Learning Styles, Secondary School 4th-Grades, Kolb Learning Styles Inventory | |
Original Articles The Impact of Digital Storytelling on the Academic Achievement and Democratic Attitude of Primary School Students
Erdi Erdogan pp. 427 - 448 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this study is to explore the impact of digital storytelling (DST) on the academic achievement and democratic attitude of 4th-grade primary school students and to reveal their experiences in the DST process. The study was conducted with a mixed-method approach. The quantitative part of the study adopted a pretest and posttest quasi-experimental design with 30 students. In the qualitative part of the study, two focus group interviews were carried out with 15 students in the experimental group. The quantitative data was collected through an academic achievement test and a democratic attitude scale. The qualitative data was obtained through two focus group interviews. Descriptive analysis, t-test, and qualitative content analysis were used for evaluating data. Results revealed that the students in the experimental group performed significantly better than the students in the control group in terms of academic achievement and democratic attitude. Focus group interviews highlighted that DST is effective in promoting constructivist learning and lack of experience is the biggest problem in the DST process Keywords: Digital Storytelling, Democratic Attitude, Academic Achievement, Primary School, Mixed Method Research |