Original Articles Finding Clarity in Teaching: One Teacher’s Struggle
Sam Roberson pp. 5 - 16 Abstract Teaching and learning are interdependent terms, and the work of the teacher is to ensure that students learn. Teachers need to be clear on what they mean by learning. Learning is often judged by what students accumulate in content or is based on a student’s mastery of content as revealed by grades. However, for the author, there is more to learning—specifically, the behaviors of the learner. The author proposes a Rubric for Learning Behavior to augment the concept of learning with a concept of the engagement of the learner. In doing so, the author clarified his own struggle to make sense of the relationship between teaching and learning. Keywords: Teaching, Rubric for Learning Behavior, teacher struggle, Dewey | |
Original Articles Changing Society, Changing Humanity: Freirian Goals of Education
Cristobal Madero pp. 17 - 31 Abstract In this paper, the author demonstrates how education is presented by Freire as the key both for changing society and leading people toward true humanity. The author’s interest is not to further develop the method that Freire elaborated in the sixties and seventies, but, rather, to show the degree to which his theory is coherent with his vision of what it means to become truly human through social change. Specifically, this article explores whether or not education is the key element to build true humanity through social change. The author first explains how dialogue is a necessary starting point to understand the connection between education and change in the two aforementioned levels. The author presents how Freire considers the way myths in unequal societies play a damaging role due to their crystallization of unfair social structures. Consciousness and conscientization are the key tools to overcome these myths. This awareness at the same time is the essential component of an education for liberation. Finally, the author presents some obstacles to this new kind of liberation. Keywords: Freire, consciousness, conscientization, dialogue, critical pedagogy, liberation |