Original Articles Gender-Aware Media Literacy Training: A Needs Analysis Study for Prospective Teachers
Sevilay Aydemir & Özden Demirkan pp. 6 - 30 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.1 Abstract The main objective of this study is to determine the training needs of prospective teachers for gender-aware media literacy training. In this study, within the scope of which qualitative research methods were employed, case study model was used. The study group was designated by using maximum variation sampling method, as one of the purposeful sampling methods. The study group of the research consisted of 32 prospective teachers in total (16 female students, 16 male students), receiving education in Gazi University Faculty of Education. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview form generated by the researchers and the form includes six headings and thirteen open-ended questions. In the process of analyzing data obtained as a result of the interviews performed face-to-face, content analysis method was used. In the light of the findings obtained from the research, it has become evident that prospective teachers are in need of training concerning the issues of accessing exact and reliable information, inquiring the reliability of information and sources, analyzing media messages, media editing, media literacy, gender equality and analyzing sexism in the media. Keywords: Gender equality, media literacy, prospective teachers, training needs analysis | |
Original Articles Pre-service Science Teachers’ Decisions and Types of Informal Reasoning about the Socioscientific Issue of Nuclear Power Plants
Ayşegül Evren Yapıcıoğlu & Şule Aycan pp. 31 - 53 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.2 Abstract The establishment and use of nuclear power plants to meet the energy need is a controversial socioscientific issue in all the countries of the world; as in Turkey. In this regard, the current study intended to investigate the effect of the socioscientific issue-based instructional activities related to the Nuclear Energy Plants (NEP) that have been attempted to be made widespread in our country on the pre-service science teachers’ decisions, positions and types of informal reasoning they use while making their decisions. The current study employed one of the mixed methods; the data transformative design model. At the end of the study, it was determined that the pre-service teachers had decided that the establishment of nuclear plants should not continue and that the instructional activities led them to change their positions. Moreover, it was found that while making their decisions, before the application, they were mostly engaged in the ecology-based informal reasoning; after the application, they mostly utilized the social type of informal reasoning. Thus, it was concluded that the pre-service science teachers’ engagement in activities related to the sociosicentific issue of nuclear energy plants increased their types of reasoning they resorted to and contributed to their sophistication in reasoning. The more types of informal reasoning are used by individuals while making their decisions, the more conscious and reasonable decisions they can make. In this regard, it can be argued that the socioscientific issue-based instructional activities brought social dimensions related to the establishment of nuclear power plants to the fore in the decisions of the pre-service science teachers. Moreover, the opinions of the pre-service science teachers who will take an important role in giving direction to the future of the society about this issue should be taken into consideration by different social associations such as administrators, politicians, non-governmental organizations and particularly by teacher training programs. Keywords: Science Education, Socioscientific Issues, Informal Reasoning and Nuclear Power Plants | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Morale and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Caner Lüleci & Adil Çoruk pp. 54 - 70 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.3 Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in the morale and job satisfaction levels of teachers in elementary (including primary and middle) and secondary (high) schools in terms of their demographic characteristics (gender, age, branch, marital status, teaching level – primary, middle, or high schools – and seniority) and to analyse the relationship between their morale and job satisfaction. The Purdue Teacher Morale Scale, includes 100 items, and 36 items-job satisfaction scale were the data collection tools in the study. The study group was composed of branch and classroom teachers who worked in primary, second and high schools in Çanakkale during the 2015-2016 academic year. The analysis shows that the teachers’ morale and job satisfaction were both at the “Generally High” levels. According to their demographic characteristics, there were significant differences in the sub-dimensions of teachers’ morale and job satisfaction in terms of their branches and teaching level. There was also a significant, positive and high correlation between the teachers’ morale and job satisfaction. Keywords: Teacher morale, Teacher job satisfaction, Elementary and secondary schools | |
Original Articles Computer-Assisted Musicteachingin Music Teacher Education Departments: Marmara University Sample
İsmet Arıcı pp. 71 - 80 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.4 Abstract Music education departments in universities aim to become qualified and successful trainers while educating their students. For this purpose, it is very important to apply the programs which will train well-educated graduates with pedagogical formation lessons who are mastered by their instrument, able to use their voices individually and collectively, competent in the field of harmony, solfege and music theories and strengthened with music literature based cultural lessons. In today's computer-assisted music world, softwares has been developed that besides the musicians music educators can also use both inside and outside the classroom. Today, there are many softwares not only to make music and but also to provide and improve music education and teaching. Softwares aiming teaching harmony, solfege, ear training and music theories together with programs supporting music creation such as composition, editing and note writing programs provide great benefits to music educators. For future teachers to be able to successfully use the evolving music technologies in their fields, it is important to emphasize that the courses for computer-assisted music education are effective and should be coordinated with other courses. In this article, studies on computer-assisted music education in Marmara University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education, Department of Music Teacher Education were examined. Keywords: Computer-assisted music education, music technologies, music teacher training | |
Original Articles Social Studies Prospective Teachers' Views on Community Service Practicum Course
Yavuz Topkaya, Zafer Tangülü & Kerem Coskun pp. 81 - 91 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.5 Abstract Purpose of the present study is to determine views of prospective social studies teachers on community service practicum course. Sample of the study included 24 prospective teachers studying in Social Studies Teacher Program at Artvin Coruh University Education Faculty in the spring semester of 2013-2014 academic year. The present study was designed in phenomenological research which is one of the qualitative research designs Data were collected through semi-structured interview. Data were analysed throguh content analysis. As a result of the data analysis it was concluded that prospective social studies teachers experienced happiness and difficulties on the process of taking the necessary legal permissions to initiate activities, developed senstivity towads social problems, the course allowed them to work Keywords: Social Studies Candidate Teachers, Community Service Practicum, Social Responsibility. | |
Original Articles Teachers’ Cognitive Constructs on Democratic Education in Schools: A Case Study
Şenol Sezer & Ertuğ Can pp. 92 - 112 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.6 Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the cognitive constructs of teachers on democratic education in schools. For this purpose, the study was modelled as a case study. The study group was 20 teachers and determined by using maximum variation sampling method. Data was collected via repertory grid technique and analysed using descriptive analysis. The participants produced 200 valid cognitive constructs related to the democratic education in school. The most frequently mentioned cognitive constructs were respectively: motivation increases, (2) confidence/self-confidence, (3) job satisfaction increases, (4) tolerance, (5) participative management, (6) employees feel precious, (7) organisational commitment, (8) new opinions, (9) human rights, and (10) freedom of ideas/impressions. The cognitive constructs were classified considering functionality and the similarity of them. As a result of classification, 14 main groups were determined according to the 200 valid cognitive constructs. Democratic participation should be encouraged by the school administrators. Besides, school society should display democratic attitudes for democratic education. In addition, the school administrators should appreciate students, teachers and parents in terms of success of school they manage. Keywords: democratic education, cognitive construct, teacher, repertory grid | |
Original Articles Basic Properties of Chorus and Fundamental Approaches to Improve
Bülent Halvaşi pp. 113 - 126 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.7 Abstract Through choral education, individuals learn to use their voices both correctly and effectively, as well as acquire certain personal characteristics. The level of applicability of the chorus training is high and it provides the student’s convenience to participate in the musical atmosphere. In choral studies, children learn how to use the basic elements and functions of music, the formation of sound, the characteristics of their own voice and how to use it correctly and to breathe properly and regularly. Chorus have various functions as social, individual, cultural and educational. In this study, these functions were examined and the effects of choral education on children's mental and behavioral development were investigated, the importance of choosing repertoire was discussed and the importance of organizing various organizations in terms of increasing the quality of choral education is emphasized. Keywords: Chorus, Voice, Education | |
Original Articles Not my responsibility: The Impact of separate special education systems on educators' attitudes toward inclusion
Jess Gregory pp. 127 - 148 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2018.137.8 Abstract Framed in terms of global policy pressures, this study explored differences in educator attitudes towards the inclusion of children with mild to moderate disabilities in the general education setting in Australia, Barbados, Romania, Turkey, and the United States. The purpose of this study was to investigate how educator attitudes towards the inclusion vary between nations that have disparate forms of special education systems. A sample of 1679 educators was analysed using the Attitudes Towards Teaching All Students (ATTAS-mm) and a triadic model of attitudes. Significant differences were found between nations. In addition to a statistically significant difference in the overall attitude scale, the three subscales: cognitive, affective and behavioural also demonstrated statistically significant differences with moderate effect sizes. These results support the differentiation of professional development for educators dependent on the setting and admonish against policy makers exporting educational policies as best practices regardless of context. Keywords: inclusive education; special education; education policy; national capital; international comparative education; educator attitudes; educational leadership |