Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Development of a Scoring Key to Evaluate the Creative Story Writing Levels of Secondary School Seventh Grade Students
Ebru Öztürk & Erol Duran pp. 7 - 22 | DOI: Abstract In this study, it was aimed to develop a rubric to evaluate the creative story writing skill levels of seventh grade secondary school students. The research was designed in quantitative research method and survey model. In the research, convenience sampling technique was used and 270 students studying at the seventh grade level of secondary school were studied. In the process of creating the item pool of the research, 11 academicians, 8 teachers and 7 graduate students were consulted. In order to create an item pool, firstly, a literature review was conducted. The prepared item pool was presented to the field experts and the draft scale was applied to the sample group. As a result of the findings obtained, it was concluded that there was a high level of consistency between the evaluations made by different raters. The validity studies of the scale were conducted and it was determined that the content and criterion validity were appropriate. In order to determine the reliability of the scale items, Cronbach's Alpha value was determined. It was determined that the Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale with all sub-dimensions was above 0.7. Cohen's Kappa statistic (κ) was used to ensure internal consistency between raters (p<.05). As a result of the analyses, it was determined that there was almost perfect agreement in the items in the scale. Finally, Cohen's Kappa coefficient was determined to determine whether there was agreement between the raters, and a significant level of agreement was found between the raters of the scale. In addition, as a result of the results obtained from the expert opinions, it was decided that the rubric should consist of 6 dimensions and 24 items in total, namely "imagination", "originality", "different perspective", "content", "language and expression", "form", and five levels, namely "strongly agree", "agree", "partially agree", "disagree" and "strongly disagree". Keywords: Writing, creative writing, rubric | |
Original Articles Relation between Resilience and Enneagram Personality Types
Mesküre Hülya Unal Karaguven pp. 23 - 40 | DOI: Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the psychological resilience levels of adult individuals in terms of demographic characteristics and enneagram personality types. The findings may help experts working in the field and contribute to the literature. The study is an original study that has not been researched before. Participants consisted of parents of students attending a pre-school education center. Data was collected from 252 people, 182 women and 70 men. In order to collect data a "Questionnaire", “Brief Resilience Scale” and “Enneagram Personality Scale” were used to collect data. T-test and analysis of variance techniques were used to evaluate the changes in the level of the resilience with demographic variables. Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between resilience and enneagram personality types. Results of the statistical analysis has been determined that resilience levels are higher in men, older individuals, married people, and those with high education and income levels. Additionally, levels of resilience were found to be positively related to enneagram personality types. This relationship was found statistically significant in a total of six personality types: achiever, original, observer, adventurer, leader, and accommodator. This work contributes to the study of resilience and related factors. Similar studies were proposed for the future to bolster the results. Keywords: Resilience, Enneagram, Personality. | |
Original Articles STEM-Engineering Education with a Disadvantaged Student Group
Ganime Aydın, Mehpare Melen & Jale Çakıroğlu pp. 41 - 65 | DOI: Abstract The aims of this research were to examine the changes in the students’ perceptions of engineers, engineering as a profession, learning of engineering design processes (EDP), awareness of engineering branches, and their future career choices through Engineering Design Process activities with the 5E learning model. Sixty disadvantaged students between 4th grade to 8th grades comprised the sample group. Engineering activities were held over 8 weekend days outside of school with engineers and science educators. The study was a single group pre-test and post-test weak experimental design using qualitative data sources. Draw an Engineer Test (DAET) along with written descriptions were used as a pre-test and post-test to examine students’ perceptions of engineers and engineering before and after the intervention and the career choice test (CCT) was used to compare their future career choices and awareness of engineering branches. Based on the results, their perceptions about engineering changed by using the words design, produce, invention, and production, which were included in EDP. Their career choice of being an engineer or learning engineering branches changed with the aim of improving their standard of living. Keywords: Engineering education, STEM, Engineering Design Process, Disadvantaged students | |
Original Articles The Relationship Between Teachers' Lifelong Learning Tendencies and Their Curriculum Fidelity Levels
Merve Korucu & Hasan Hüseyin Şahan pp. 66 - 89 | DOI: Abstract The objective of this research aimed to establish a connection between the inclination towards lifelong learning and the degree of adherence to the curriculum among educators in primary and secondary educational institutions. In the 2021-2022 academic year, data for this screening model investigation were collected from 281 teachers employed in the central Karesi and Altıeylül districts of Balıkesir. The data were acquired using the 'Lifelong Learning Tendencies Scale,' designed by Diker Coşkun (2009), and the 'Curriculum Fidelity Scale,' developed by Burul (2018). The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, Two-Way MANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis. According to the results, it was detected that there were moderate lifelong learning tendencies and high degree of fidelity to the curriculum. Regarding the second discovery, it was established that school type and years of professional experience significantly influenced the differences observed in teachers' lifelong learning tendencies and their adherence to the curriculum levels. Furthermore, a statistically significant but modest correlation was identified between teachers' lifelong learning tendencies and their levels of curriculum fidelity. Keywords: Teacher, Lifelong Learning, Curriculum Fidelity | |
Original Articles Investigation of the Relationship Between Learning Styles and Creativity of Middle School Science and Art Centres Students
Güliz Kaymakcı & Şendil Can pp. 90 - 112 | DOI: Abstract The current study, which uses a survey approach, aims to identify middle school students who visit BILSEMs (Science and Art Centers) in terms of their creativity and learning preferences and to look into the impact of various factors on these traits. In the 2021–2022 academic year, 214 fifth, sixth, and seventh graders were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The "How Creative Are You?" scale, "Kolb Learning Style Inventory," and a personal information form were used as data gathering tools. The study's findings indicate that the creativity of the participating students is above medium, and the majority have "converging" learning styles. At the same time, the minority has "diverging" learning styles, that gender, grade level, type of school, BILSEM program, and family income level have no bearing on the children's creativity, and learning styles vary significantly depending on these factors. Additionally, there was no discernible link between the students' learning preferences and creativity. Keywords: Learning style, creativity, Science and Art Centre, gifted student, quantitative analysis |