Original article | Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2021, Vol. 16(1) 78-98
pp. 78 - 98 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.334.5
Publish Date: March 24, 2021 | Single/Total View: 325/827 | Single/Total Download: 437/1.429
The aim of this study is to analyse the discourses of prospective teachers who were taking teaching Turkish to foreigners course about the effects of Covid 19 on the future of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Analysing the discourses of prospective teachers who will teach in the field about the effects of Covid 19 on the future of teaching Turkish as a foreign language is important in terms of providing a more quality language education during and after Covid 19 process. The presents study is a qualitative study. The study group consists of 59 students studying at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Ereğli Faculty of Education, department of Turkish language teaching since they were receiving teaching Turkish as a foreign language course and they will graduate from the related department. open ' ended questitions are applied to the participants in the study. Critical discourse analysis was carried out to analyse the discourses of the participants. As a result of the study, it was concluded that although Covid 19 had a negative influence on language teaching activities, with positive state policies and with more frequent use of distance education and online education, these problems have been overcome and more people can be interested in Turkish in the future.
Keywords: Language Education, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Covid 19, Discourse Analysis, Online Education
APA 7th edition
Yesilyurt, E. (2021). Critical Discourse Analysis on the Effects of Covid 19 on the Future of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(1), 78-98. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.334.5
Yesilyurt, E. (2021). Critical Discourse Analysis on the Effects of Covid 19 on the Future of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(1), pp. 78-98.
Chicago 16th edition
Yesilyurt, Erhan (2021). "Critical Discourse Analysis on the Effects of Covid 19 on the Future of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 16 (1):78-98. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.334.5
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