Volume 4 Issue 1 (January 2009)
Original Articles Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Community Development in a Japanese Case

Hideki Maruyama

pp. 5 - 18


The scope of lifelong learning in Japan covers school education and informal learning. Japan faces large social changes: severe child population decline could ease competition for entrance examination but students are pushed to win in the society; cyber communication changes the human relationships more invisible and atomized; the gap between urban and remote areas is widened; and local industry can hardly find its successors and local schools need to attract students because young people move away to city. This article overlooks what the Japanese society has missed today and identifies it is the social aspects of outcomes by lifelong learning. Recent trends and the framework of lifelong learning in Japan are introduced, and the concept of social capital is used for discussion. The case study shows benefits of learning opportunities, technology, and collaboration in a Japanese local city to build a sustainable society.

Keywords: Lifelong learning, Social capital, Technology

Original Articles Favoritism in the Turkish Educational System: Nepotism, Cronyism and Patronage

Ismail Aydogan

pp. 19 - 35


In almost all systems there have been unethical behaviors that take place in written and visual media. Of all these unethical behaviors, favoritism takes precedence. This study was conducted to investigate whether or not the administrators favor some people in the Turkish national education system and also to reveal the teachers’ thoughts on whether or not the administrators (central, provincial, and school administrators) show favoritism in their decisions and practices. In the study, a scale was constructed to collect data, and its validity and reliability were checked. After a group of teachers tested the scale, the results indicated that the teachers tend to believe that central, provincial and school administrators are partial in favor of some people in the Turkish national education system. Teachers believe that favoritism has existed in the following areas: the appointment of central administrators in the ministry of national education, in school administrators and teachers, in providing educational materials for schools, in selecting schools to take part in activities, in promoting teachers to a higher position or appointing them to positions abroad; about tendering investments in the provincial education administration, in opening private schools, courses and institutions, in the distribution of funds to schools, as well as the use of buildings, establishments and materials provided by the ministry; in the practice of school administrators about the tolerance for teachers’ having permission for any reasons, in teachers beginning courses and leaving classrooms on time, and finally in selecting participants for activities from which they can benefit financially and academically. Participants believe that administrators neglect skills and abilities, and that they behave show favoritism about the issues mentioned above in favor of their friends, fellow countrymen, and those having political views that align with their own.

Keywords: Administrator, Favoritism, Nepotism, Cronyism, Patronage, Ethics

Original Articles Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu Comenius Değerlendirme Raporları ve 2004-2006 Döneminde Türkiye’de Hazırlanan Comenius Projelerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Ersin Haspolatlı & Rüçhan Özkılıç

pp. 36 - 52


1992 yılında imzalanan Maastrciht Antlasması ile Avrupa Birligi (AB) Egitim alanında bazı düzenlemeler yapmıs, genel ve mesleki egitim kavramlarını birbirinden kesin olarak ayırmıstır. Yapılan bu yeniligin sonucu olarak 1995 yılında Sokrates, Leonardo ve Gençlik programları faaliyete geçirilmistir. Yeni nesil programlarda yapılan en önemli yeniliklerden biri, okul egitiminde Avrupa boyutunu ve isbirligini desteklemek amacıyla Sokrates bünyesinde hazırlanan Comenius programıdır. AB Komisyon’u Comenius programının hedeflerine ulasma oranının tespiti için çesitli degerlendirme raporları hazırlatmıstır. Yapılan bu çalısma ile 2004, 2005 ve 2006 yılları Türkiye’ de kabul edilen Comenius 1 programı istatistikleri incelenmis ve bulgular AB degerlendirme raporlarında yer alan bulgular ile karsılastırılmıstır. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda Türkiye ve AB verilerinin proje yürüten okul türleri, proje türlerinin dagılımı gibi alanlarda benzerlikler göstermesine karsın, proje kabul oranlarında farklılıklar oldugu belirlenmistir.

Keywords: Avrupa Birligi, Sokrates, Comenius

Original Articles Çanakkale İl Merkezi Dershanelerinde Coğrafya Ögretimine Yönelik Değerlendirme

Rüstü Ilgar & Cemal Korkut

pp. 53 - 68


Bu çalısmada Çanakkale Merkez ilçede yer alan tüm dershanelerde 311 ögrenci üzerinde yürütülen bu çalısmada Cografya ögretimi ögrenci görüslerine göre uygulamaya yönelik degerlendirmelere gidilmistir. Ögrencilerin dershanelerden beklentilerini ölçmeye yönelik, uzman görüsleri alınarak hazırlanan anket uygulanmıstır. Arastırma il merkezinde yer alan özel dershanelerin tamamında (toplam 9 dershane), Cografya dersi alan tüm ögrencilerin (toplam 311) görüslerine basvurularak gerçeklestirilmistir. Bu yaklasımla Çanakkale dershanelerinin Cografya egiminde ulastıkları noktalar irdelenerek sonuç ve önerilerde bulunulmustur.

Keywords: Cografya, Dershane, Çanakkale, Ögrenci görüsleri