Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2024, Vol. 19(1) 7-22

Development of a Scoring Key to Evaluate the Creative Story Writing Levels of Secondary School Seventh Grade Students

Ebru Öztürk & Erol Duran

pp. 7 - 22   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2024.655.1

Publish Date: March 31, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 110/200   |   Single/Total Download: 141/224


In this study, it was aimed to develop a rubric to evaluate the creative story writing skill levels of seventh grade secondary school students. The research was designed in quantitative research method and survey model. In the research, convenience sampling technique was used and 270 students studying at the seventh grade level of secondary school were studied. In the process of creating the item pool of the research, 11 academicians, 8 teachers and 7 graduate students were consulted. In order to create an item pool, firstly, a literature review was conducted. The prepared item pool was presented to the field experts and the draft scale was applied to the sample group. As a result of the findings obtained, it was concluded that there was a high level of consistency between the evaluations made by different raters. The validity studies of the scale were conducted and it was determined that the content and criterion validity were appropriate. In order to determine the reliability of the scale items, Cronbach's Alpha value was determined. It was determined that the Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale with all sub-dimensions was above 0.7. Cohen's Kappa statistic (κ) was used to ensure internal consistency between raters (p<.05). As a result of the analyses, it was determined that there was almost perfect agreement in the items in the scale. Finally, Cohen's Kappa coefficient was determined to determine whether there was agreement between the raters, and a significant level of agreement was found between the raters of the scale. In addition, as a result of the results obtained from the expert opinions, it was decided that the rubric should consist of 6 dimensions and 24 items in total, namely 'imagination', 'originality', 'different perspective', 'content', 'language and expression', 'form', and five levels, namely 'strongly agree', 'agree', 'partially agree', 'disagree' and 'strongly disagree'.

Keywords: Writing, creative writing, rubric

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ozturk, E., & Duran, E. (2024). Development of a Scoring Key to Evaluate the Creative Story Writing Levels of Secondary School Seventh Grade Students. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 19(1), 7-22. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2024.655.1

Ozturk, E. and Duran, E. (2024). Development of a Scoring Key to Evaluate the Creative Story Writing Levels of Secondary School Seventh Grade Students. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 19(1), pp. 7-22.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozturk, Ebru and Erol Duran (2024). "Development of a Scoring Key to Evaluate the Creative Story Writing Levels of Secondary School Seventh Grade Students". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 19 (1):7-22. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2024.655.1

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