Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2017, Vol. 12(1) 5-16
Sam Roberson
pp. 5 - 16 | Manu. Number: epasr.2017.001
Published online: February 01, 2017 | Number of Views: 275 | Number of Download: 962
Teaching and learning are interdependent terms, and the work of the teacher is to ensure that students learn. Teachers need to be clear on what they mean by learning. Learning is often judged by what students accumulate in content or is based on a student’s mastery of content as revealed by grades. However, for the author, there is more to learning—specifically, the behaviors of the learner. The author proposes a Rubric for Learning Behavior to augment the concept of learning with a concept of the engagement of the learner. In doing so, the author clarified his own struggle to make sense of the relationship between teaching and learning.
Keywords: Teaching, Rubric for Learning Behavior, teacher struggle, Dewey
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