Research article | Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(2) 78-103
Kısmet Deliveli & Erkan Kıral
1 | Meta-Analysis Study on Organizational Outcomes of Ethical Leadership
Hüseyin Akar |
2 | Examining the Relationship between Social Intelligence Levels and Communication Skills of Prospective Social Studies Teachers
Kamil Uygun & Bilal Burak Arıbaş |
3 | Personal Traits and Levels of Class Engagement of Pre-Service Teachers
Levent Vural & Menekşe Eskici |
4 | Relationships between Power Distance, Organizational Commitment, and Trust in Schools
Tevfik Uzun |
5 | Pre-Service Teachers’ Evaluations of Creativity in Higher Education
Sezen Apaydın & Sibel Güven |