Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2014, Vol. 9(1) 36-53
Sehnaz Yalcin Wells
pp. 36 - 53 | Manu. Number: epasr.2014.002
Published online: January 01, 2014 | Number of Views: 145 | Number of Download: 910
The aim of this research is to examine the relational analysis of gender and class parameters in the value preferences of students studying at the Division of Art and Craft Education in Marmara University. Relational scanning model was used as the method of the research. The research is based on first and fourth grade students studying at the Marmara University Ataturk Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Art and Craft Department. This research was carried out during the 2012-2013 academic year. 148 students studying in eight main arts workshops in the branch of painting teachers were taken as the sample group. Data gained during the research was collected using the Schwartz Values Theory measurement. Research findings indicate that achievement, benevolence and security sub-dimensions of the measurement show significant differences according to gender differences. This difference is in favor of female students with them geting higher scores in the achievement, benevolence and security sub-dimensions of the measurement.
Keywords: Values, value ranking, demographic qualities
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