Research article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(3) 233-248

A Validity and Reliability Study of the Scale for Attitude Towards Classroom as a Learning Environment

Filiz Çetin, Özden Demirkan & Şaban Çetin

pp. 233 - 248   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 24, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 423/859   |   Single/Total Download: 799/1.614


This study aims to develop an attitude scale that will reveal preservice teachers' attitudes towards classroom as an educational environment. Two references were applied in the process of writing the items to be included in the draft form of the scale: relevant literature and students' opinions. 50 items were written in line with these two references, but upon the experts' suggestions necessary corrections were taken into consideration and a draft form with 45 items was developed. Draft form of the scale was applied to a total of 473 students consisting of 361 females and 112 males who were studying at different levels of various teaching programs in the fall term of 2019-2020 academic year at Gazi Faculty of Education in Gazi University. Validity and Reliability analyses were done on the set of data obtained through the application of draft form. On the set of obtained data, exploratory data analysis (EDA) was carried out first for construct validity and then confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. Exploratory data analysis (n1=263) and confirmatory factor analysis (n2=210) were performed in two separate groups. The results of exploratory data analysis (EDA) revealed that the scale consisted of 32 items and 4 sub-dimensions. Factor patterns formed by the items of attitude in the scale were named 'Classroom as a boring learning environment', 'Classroom as a positive learning environment', 'Classroom as a peaceful environment' and 'Classroom as a necessary learning environment' respectively. It was observed that this four-factor structure which constituted the scale explained 62.49% of the total variance of the scale. According to the results of the reliability analysis of the scale, Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was found .96, and for other sub-factors in the scale it was found .95, .90, .88, and .84 respectively. The results of confirmatory factor analysis which was conducted following exploratory data analysis revealed that adaptive values regarding the model were RMSEA, .066; χ2/df=2.1; SRMR=.05; IFI=.91; CFI=.91. These values regarding the scale which were obtained as a result of confirmatory analysis show that the structure of the scale was confirmed.

Keywords: Learning, Learning Environment, Classroom, Developing Attitude Scale

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Cetin, F., Demirkan, O., & Cetin, S. (2020). A Validity and Reliability Study of the Scale for Attitude Towards Classroom as a Learning Environment. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(3), 233-248.

Cetin, F., Demirkan, O. and Cetin, S. (2020). A Validity and Reliability Study of the Scale for Attitude Towards Classroom as a Learning Environment. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(3), pp. 233-248.

Chicago 16th edition
Cetin, Filiz, Ozden Demirkan and Saban Cetin (2020). "A Validity and Reliability Study of the Scale for Attitude Towards Classroom as a Learning Environment". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (3):233-248.

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