International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2018, Vol. 13(4) 164-185

The Relationship between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary of Learners of Turkish as Foreign or Second Language

Muhammet Raşit Memiş

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 126 267
  France 85 86
  Turkey 55 99
Unknown 27 98
  Russian Federation 15 16
  Thailand 14 25
  India 11 11
  China 9 17
  Indonesia 8 16
  Malaysia 4 13
  Europe 4 4
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 5
  United Kingdom 4 4
  Philippines 3 17
  Moldova 2 2
  Germany 2 3
  Hong Kong 2 2
  Singapore 2 3
  Korea, Republic of 2 3
  Libya 1 1
  Japan 1 3
  South Africa 1 1
  Vietnam 1 6
  Algeria 1 3
  Ethiopia 1 5
  Israel 1 2
  Brunei Darussalam 1 1
  Hungary 1 1
  Myanmar 0 1
  Iraq 0 1
  Brazil 0 1
  Peru 0 1
  Australia 0 1
  Morocco 0 2
  Saudi Arabia 0 3
  Netherlands 0 1
  Norway 0 1
  Georgia 0 2
  Albania 0 1
  Taiwan 0 2
  Lebanon 0 2
  Mexico 0 2
  Poland 0 2
  Italy 0 1
  Egypt 0 2
  Benin 0 1
  Pakistan 0 1
  Tunisia 0 2
  Oman 0 1
  Canada 0 1
  Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 1
  Austria 0 1
  Greece 0 1
Total 53 countries