Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(1) 40-60
Özden Demirkan
pp. 40 - 60 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.186.3 | Manu. Number: MANU-1901-27-0003.R1
Published online: March 22, 2019 | Number of Views: 413 | Number of Download: 1103
This study aims to reveal pre-service teachers’ views about digital teaching materials which they have in their Technologies in Teaching and Materials Design course. In this qualitative study, phenomenological design was used. The participants of the study consist of 55 pre-service teachers studying and taking the above-mentioned course at Gazi Faculty of Education.Data were collected through “Written Form for Pre-service Teachers’ Views about Digital Teaching Materials” developed by the researcher. Content analysis method was used to analyze the qualitative data collected. Findings of the study showed that pre-service teachers found the preparation of digital teaching materials useful, interesting and gripping, suitable for the age of technology, effective for their field of study. They also stated that the use of this kind of digital teaching materials needed to be more common. The study also revealed that pre-service teachers found Web 2.0 tools which they learnt to use such as presentation (Emaze and Powtoon), discussion (Padlet and Voice Threat) and interactive evaluation (Kahoot and Plickers) technically different, unusual, attractive, user-friendly, enhancing creativity and visually rich. The most frequently emphasized strengths of using these tools in the classroom were being interesting, attention grabbing, enhancing motivation and permanence, enabling active participation and effective discussion atmosphere, providing instant feedback. The limitations of using these digital teaching materials in the classroom were stated as such: the need for internet, many characters and features not being free of charge, it may lead to distraction if not used effectively, students might make insulting comments on each other, some students might feel unhappy when their faults are revealed, competition may lead to ambition. Challenges of using these tools in the classroom were stated as such: the need for fast internet connection, some tools have parts that are not free of charge and it hinders complete use of the tool, some tools are difficult to use. Considering the views regarding how digital teaching materials would support teaching process, it was found out that pre-service teachers thought such materials would draw and raise attention, make the lesson enjoyable; diverse, original and effective content would be created; more practice would be possible, learning would become permanent and easier; students’ active participation would be enabled; students’ motivation would be increased; effective communication would be possible; technology would be involved in the process; students’ success would increase.
Keywords: Digital teaching materials, pre-service teachers, Web 2.0, Technologies in Teaching and Materials Design course
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