Research article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2022, Vol. 17(1) 190-217

Developing a Curriculum Efficacy Perception Scale for Teachers Educating Gifted Students

Derya Yüreğilli Göksu & Yücel Gelişli

pp. 190 - 217   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 01, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 75/469   |   Single/Total Download: 100/736


The aim of this study is developing a valid and reliable curriculum efficacy perception scale for teachers working with gifted students. Viewing the difference between variables of teachers'gender, field of study, age, seniority in the profession and seniority of working with gifted. The research was carried out with 350 teachers for Exploratory Factor Analysis, 382 for Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and 283 teachers for the analysis of the scale according to variables. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis conducted in the study, it was concluded that 35 items in the scale were gathered under three factors. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, three factors explained 66.70% of the total variance for the whole scale. The value of the Cronbach Alpha (α) for the whole scale was highly reliable with .972. The findings of the research show that the scale of 'Curriculum Efficacy Perception of Teachers Working with Gifted' is valid and reliable. The scale was applied to 283 teachers and viewed in accordance with the variables. It has been revealed that the scale dimensions of the teachers do not differ according to gender, field of study, age, seniority in the profession. However it differs for the subdimensions of seniority of working with gifted.

Keywords: Gifted students, teacher of gifted, curriculum efficacy perception scale

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APA 7th edition
Goksu, D.Y., & Gelisli, Y. (2022). Developing a Curriculum Efficacy Perception Scale for Teachers Educating Gifted Students. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), 190-217.

Goksu, D. and Gelisli, Y. (2022). Developing a Curriculum Efficacy Perception Scale for Teachers Educating Gifted Students. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), pp. 190-217.

Chicago 16th edition
Goksu, Derya Yuregilli and Yucel Gelisli (2022). "Developing a Curriculum Efficacy Perception Scale for Teachers Educating Gifted Students". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 17 (1):190-217.

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