Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2022, Vol. 17(1) 127-141

Bilingual English Teachers' Perspectives on 'English-only' Policies in an EFL Setting

Zeynep Gülşah Kani & Hatice İğsen

pp. 127 - 141   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2022.248.7

Publish Date: March 01, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 236/459   |   Single/Total Download: 347/741


Various language policies are implemented for foreign language teaching in educational institutions. One of these language policies is the monolingual approach called 'English-only', which requires only the target language to be used in the classroom. This policy is largely implemented in private institutions in Turkey. Studies about teachers' perspectives on the English-only policy are relatively less. Hence, this research aimed to explore what the perspectives of bilingual EFL teachers working in schools where the English only policy is implemented are and what the effects of such practices are on their teaching methods and professional identities. A case study research design under a qualitative approach was adopted to explore eight bilingual EFL teachers' perspectives on language policies implemented in kindergarten and primary school of the private education institution where they worked. The results varied according to the professional background of the teachers and the department they worked. While language teachers who worked in kindergarten favoured the policy despite reacting negatively to the strict policies implemented by the school, primary school language teachers showed explicit resistance to the implementation of the English-only policy. Moreover, all the teachers expressed their uneasiness about being assigned fake English names and associated this with the impact of neoliberalism and other ideologies prevailing in the linguistic market on private institutions in Turkey.

Keywords: Bilingual teachers, EFL, the English-only policy, native speakerism, private institutions

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APA 7th edition
Kani, Z.G., & Igsen, H. (2022). Bilingual English Teachers’ Perspectives on “English-only” Policies in an EFL Setting. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), 127-141. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2022.248.7

Kani, Z. and Igsen, H. (2022). Bilingual English Teachers’ Perspectives on “English-only” Policies in an EFL Setting. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 17(1), pp. 127-141.

Chicago 16th edition
Kani, Zeynep Gulsah and Hatice Igsen (2022). "Bilingual English Teachers’ Perspectives on “English-only” Policies in an EFL Setting". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 17 (1):127-141. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2022.248.7

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