Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2014, Vol. 9(1) 54-78
Enver Yolcu
pp. 54 - 78 | Manu. Number: epasr.2014.003
Published online: January 01, 2014 | Number of Views: 158 | Number of Download: 976
Adult education is considered as a part of non-formal education in Turkey, and its aims, scope and practices have been bound by legislation and regulation. Public Education Centers (HEM) that offer general and private classes on several issues and education institutions for various professions provide adult education and non-formal education. Adult education and non-formal education offers education opportunities to people who never had a chance to be a part of the public education system or who started but later dropped out of school. Most of the non-formal education activities are carried out by the Ministry of National Education at HEMs. HEMs were initiated in 1953 and begun spreading in 1956 with the aims of solving the literacy problem which was common back then, spreading the Turkish national culture, and adopting republican ideals and Ataturk's principles as a part of popular campaigns promoted by the young Turkish Republic. The total number of HEMs in Turkey reached 969 today, where modular education model is applied through "Professional and Technical" and "General" education programs. In this scope, there are modular education programs for fine arts education in the "Graphics and Photography" and "Art and Design" fields. This research tries to collect data by accessing literature on the types, goals and education conditions of fine arts education in HEMs that are a part of the mass education in Turkey.
Keywords: Art, Fine Arts, Mass Education, Adult Education, Public Education
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