Research article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(4) 367-388

The Effect of Teacher Evaluation and Self-Evaluation on Pre-service Teachers' Inquiry-Based 5E Lesson Plan Design and Teaching Practice

Seda Çavuş-Güngören, Funda Yeşildağ-Hasançebi & Günkut Mesci

pp. 367 - 388   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 28, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 445/778   |   Single/Total Download: 681/1.355


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of teacher evaluation and self-evaluation on the experience of designing and applying lesson plans according to the 5E inquiry model and pre-service teachers views regarding the 5E inquiry lesson planning and teaching practice. It was designed as the embedded mixed method. Total of 60 pre-service science teachers participated in this study. The data collected by the 5E Lesson Plan rubric for inquiry-based teaching which developed by Goldston et al., (2013), self-evaluation form, and interviews. In the analysis of quantitative data, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Spearman's Rank Correlation, which are among the nonparametric tests, were used. Content analysis was performed in the analysis of qualitative data. Results showed that the average score of pre-service teachers' lesson plans is higher in the second plans. It has been determined that self-evaluation contributes to better planning of the process. The pre-service teachers stated that the 5E inquiry model was particularly strong / effective and their lesson plans' phases of explain and explore were weak. In line with the results obtained in the research, suggestions were made to evaluate and develop the lesson planning and teaching practice according to the 5E inquiry model.

Keywords: 5E lesson plan evaluation, inquiry-based lesson plan, teacher evaluation, self-evaluation

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APA 7th edition
Cavus-Gungoren, S., Yesildag-Hasancebi, F., & Mesci, G. (2020). The Effect of Teacher Evaluation and Self-Evaluation on Pre-service Teachers' Inquiry-Based 5E Lesson Plan Design and Teaching Practice. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(4), 367-388.

Cavus-Gungoren, S., Yesildag-Hasancebi, F. and Mesci, G. (2020). The Effect of Teacher Evaluation and Self-Evaluation on Pre-service Teachers' Inquiry-Based 5E Lesson Plan Design and Teaching Practice. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(4), pp. 367-388.

Chicago 16th edition
Cavus-Gungoren, Seda, Funda Yesildag-Hasancebi and Gunkut Mesci (2020). "The Effect of Teacher Evaluation and Self-Evaluation on Pre-service Teachers' Inquiry-Based 5E Lesson Plan Design and Teaching Practice". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (4):367-388.

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