International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2018, Vol. 13(4) 153-163

Project Funds As a Management Model and Alignment of EU Funded Special Education Projects with National Policies in Turkey

Mehmet Fatih Köse & Mehmet Ata Öztürk

pp. 153 - 163   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1811-08-0002.R1

Published online: December 28, 2018  |   Number of Views: 272  |  Number of Download: 1031


This study seeks to assess the extent to which EU-funded projects administered by schools and other institutions are aligned with the strategic priorities adopted by Turkey’s Ministry of National Education (MoNE). With this objective in mind, the thematic distributions of projects in the field of special needs education were examined and the policy priorities stated in documents composed by MoNE were comparatively evaluated. The study followed a qualitative research model by conducting document analysis to inspect a total of 158 Erasmus+ projects funded by the EU between 2012 and 2017. The projects were analyzed according to their numerical and financial distributions by year, geographical region, institution type, and disabled groups within the target population. Furthermore, content analysis was applied to examine projects’ thematic distributions. The study concluded that project funds are disproportionately distributed to institution types, target groups, and geographical regions and that projects’ strategic alignment with Ministry policies needs to be strengthened, especially in terms of how project funds are used. Finally, it is recommended that the distribution and use of international funds be structured in line with the policy priorities adopted by the Turkish National Education System and that cooperation between policy makers and executers not only in the allocation of funds but also in their administrative, financial, and legal management processes be strengthened.

Keywords: Project management, EU funded projects, Erasmus+ projects, Special needs education

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APA 6th edition
Kose, M.F. & Ozturk, M.A. (2018). Project Funds As a Management Model and Alignment of EU Funded Special Education Projects with National Policies in Turkey . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 13(4), 153-163. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2018.178.9

Kose, M. and Ozturk, M. (2018). Project Funds As a Management Model and Alignment of EU Funded Special Education Projects with National Policies in Turkey . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 13(4), pp. 153-163.

Chicago 16th edition
Kose, Mehmet Fatih and Mehmet Ata Ozturk (2018). "Project Funds As a Management Model and Alignment of EU Funded Special Education Projects with National Policies in Turkey ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 13 (4):153-163. doi:10.29329/epasr.2018.178.9.

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