International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2024, Vol. 19(2) 63-77

Students' Views on the Use of Cryptology Methods Education Contexts

Sercan Özer & Levent Çetinkaya

pp. 63 - 77   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2308-16-0002

Published online: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 59  |  Number of Download: 124


This study aimed to gather the opinions of middle school students regarding the utilization of cryptologic methods in education. The research was designed using the method of case study, a scientific research approach, and data was collected through a semi-structured interview form. The semi-structured interview form was developed by the researcher with the input of experts. The study focused on the effects of incorporating cryptologic methods within the context of the Information Technologies and Software course. The research was conducted with approximately 105 middle school students in Tekirdağ province, Turkey, and was completed through the use of the semi-structured interview form. Following the interviews conducted with the students, the data obtained from their responses was analyzed and categorized into codes. Based on the findings, students expressed the view that the use of cryptologic methods in lessons would contribute to their long-lasting and rapid learning, enhance their problem-solving skills, and that presenting cryptologic methods through various teaching techniques would increase their interest and motivation, thus leading to enjoyable and effective learning experiences. On the negative side, students mentioned that they might encounter difficulties in learning cryptologic methods and that these methods did not capture their interest. As a result of the analysis of the answers obtained from the interviews with the students, it can be argued that engaging, sustainable, and rapid learning tends to consistently capture students' attention and enhance their focus on the educational program. The 21st-century student learning skills encompass the development of problem-solving and computational thinking abilities, enabling students to think critically, conduct research, brainstorm, and connect puzzle pieces of clues to formulate solutions. The further integration of cryptologic methods within the curriculum holds significant potential for fostering enjoyable and enduring cognitive transfers in students' learning activities.

Keywords: Cryptology, Information Technologies, 21st century skills,

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ozer, S. & Cetinkaya, L. (2024). Students' Views on the Use of Cryptology Methods Education Contexts . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 19(2), 63-77. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2024.1046.4

Ozer, S. and Cetinkaya, L. (2024). Students' Views on the Use of Cryptology Methods Education Contexts . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 19(2), pp. 63-77.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozer, Sercan and Levent Cetinkaya (2024). "Students' Views on the Use of Cryptology Methods Education Contexts ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 19 (2):63-77. doi:10.29329/epasr.2024.1046.4.

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