International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2023, Vol. 18(3) 297-315

Mediating Role of Social Exclusion in the Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Loneliness in International Students

İsmail Kuşci, Ali Öztosun & Nuran Bayram Arlı

pp. 297 - 315   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2307-18-0001

Published online: September 30, 2023  |   Number of Views: 87  |  Number of Download: 230


This research aims to examine the mediating role of social exclusion in the relationship between a sense of belonging and loneliness in international students. The research sample is composed of international students studying in universities in Türkiye. In the research, in which 284 students voluntarily participated, General Belongingness Scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale, and Social Exclusion Scale were applied. The study was designed by establishing Hayes Process Model 4 as the regression model. Sense of belonging was found to be in negative relation with social exclusion and loneliness. Moreover, a positive relationship was observed between social exclusion and loneliness. Finally, it was noticed that social exclusion acts as a mediator of the process towards belonging and loneliness and has a significant impact on loneliness. These findings were discussed within the literature framework mentioned in the conclusion part, and suggestions were made.

Keywords: International students, loneliness, sense of belonging, social exclusion,

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APA 6th edition
Kusci, I., Oztosun, A. & Arli, N.B. (2023). Mediating Role of Social Exclusion in the Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Loneliness in International Students . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 18(3), 297-315. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2023.600.14

Kusci, I., Oztosun, A. and Arli, N. (2023). Mediating Role of Social Exclusion in the Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Loneliness in International Students . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 18(3), pp. 297-315.

Chicago 16th edition
Kusci, Ismail, Ali Oztosun and Nuran Bayram Arli (2023). "Mediating Role of Social Exclusion in the Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Loneliness in International Students ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 18 (3):297-315. doi:10.29329/epasr.2023.600.14.

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