Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2014, Vol. 9(1) 5-35
Erdal Toprakci & Aysun Akcay Gungor
pp. 5 - 35 | Manu. Number: epasr.2014.001
Published online: January 01, 2014 | Number of Views: 190 | Number of Download: 926
The aim of this research is to analyze the party programs of 15 political parties which have participated in the general election of 2011 on the basis of their educational policies. Document analyzing technique from qualitative research designs is used at this study. Data sources of the study consist of education programs of parties which have participated in the general election of 2011. Content analysis is used for data analysis.
Keywords: Educational policy, political party program, educational administration, educational supervision, educational planning and education economy
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