International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2021, Vol. 16(2) 382-401

Civics Education in Higher Education: “Project Citizen” Sample

Talip Öztürk, Anatoli Rapoport & Filiz Zayimoğlu Öztürk

pp. 382 - 401   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2102-01-0009.R1

Published online: May 27, 2021  |   Number of Views: 209  |  Number of Download: 693


Project Citizen is an interdisciplinary curriculum for students, youth organizations, and adult groups that encourages citizens’ competent and responsible participation in local and state governments in about 35 countries worldwide. In this article, based on an example of Project Citizen activities done with university students, the application stages were examined, and the opinions of the students who applied were analyzed. The research was carried out with 38 students studying at the education faculty of a university in the United States during the 2018-2019 academic year. In the study, the projects prepared by the students in the activities were analyzed with the qualitative analysis program MAXQDA. As a result of the research, it was observed that the students needed comprehensive and detailed information at the beginning stage of Project Citizen, the projects they produced generally consisted of problems in their own lives, and they had the most difficulties in the public policy section while preparing projects. However, they found the project production process effective, efficient, and enjoyable.

Keywords: Project Citizen, Civics Education, Student Opinions

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ozturk, T., Rapoport, A. & Ozturk, F.Z. (2021). Civics Education in Higher Education: “Project Citizen” Sample . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), 382-401. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.345.18

Ozturk, T., Rapoport, A. and Ozturk, F. (2021). Civics Education in Higher Education: “Project Citizen” Sample . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), pp. 382-401.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozturk, Talip, Anatoli Rapoport and Filiz Zayimoglu Ozturk (2021). "Civics Education in Higher Education: “Project Citizen” Sample ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 16 (2):382-401. doi:10.29329/epasr.2020.345.18.

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