International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2021, Vol. 16(2) 120-138

Identification of In-Service Teacher Education Policies in Turkey and Investigation of Their Reflections on Practices

Ömer Faruk Abide & Yücel Gelişli

pp. 120 - 138   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2101-27-0004.R1

Published online: May 27, 2021  |   Number of Views: 183  |  Number of Download: 608


The general purpose of this study is to identify the target policies for in-service education in Turkey’s main policy papers and documents of teacher training and development institutions, and to investigate reflections of these policies on practice. The study was based on historical research, which is one of the qualitative methods. The data were collected through document analysis and analyzed with content analysis. Regarding the research results, it was determined that target policies for in-service training activities in the field of teacher training in Turkey were offered within two main frameworks. When the reflections of these policies on practice were evaluated accordingly, it was revealed that putting policy theories into practice was generally achieved; however, some policies were offered as specific to several cities without being reflected across Turkey.

Keywords: Teacher Training, in-Service Education/Training, Policy Papers

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Abide, O.F. & Gelisli, Y. (2021). Identification of In-Service Teacher Education Policies in Turkey and Investigation of Their Reflections on Practices . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), 120-138. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.345.6

Abide, O. and Gelisli, Y. (2021). Identification of In-Service Teacher Education Policies in Turkey and Investigation of Their Reflections on Practices . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 16(2), pp. 120-138.

Chicago 16th edition
Abide, Omer Faruk and Yucel Gelisli (2021). "Identification of In-Service Teacher Education Policies in Turkey and Investigation of Their Reflections on Practices ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 16 (2):120-138. doi:10.29329/epasr.2020.345.6.

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