Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(1) 163-177

Development of the Perceived Middle School Teacher Behavior Scale

Hikmet Zelyurt & Bahadır Köksalan

pp. 163 - 177   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.236.9

Publish Date: March 24, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 189/782   |   Single/Total Download: 276/1.342


The present study aimed to develop a measurement instrument to determine the perceptions of middle school students on their teachers' behavior. The draft scale, developed as a result of the review of the relevant literature, collection of expert views and a pilot scheme, was applied to the students attending different grades in state middle schools under Malatya Provincial Directorate of National Education during the second semester of the 2014-2015 academic year. It was considered that middle school students possessed the ability to make selections, could distinguish good and bad and right and wrong due to their age group. To determine the scale content and face validity, expert views were obtained and for construct validity, Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (DFA) were conducted. Teacher behavior were categorized as indifferent teacher and authoritative teacher behavior based on the revealed factors. Findings obtained with the implementation of CFA revealed that the perceived teacher behavior scale (PTBS) construct had adequate fitness indices. It was found that the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the scores obtained with the test-retest method was 0.86. Thus, it was observed that PTBS was a measurement tool that produced valid and reliable measurements and it was adequate to use the scale with middle school students to measure their perceptions on teacher behavior.

Keywords: teacher behavior, scale development

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Zelyurt, H., & Koksalan, B. (2020). Development of the Perceived Middle School Teacher Behavior Scale. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), 163-177. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.236.9

Zelyurt, H. and Koksalan, B. (2020). Development of the Perceived Middle School Teacher Behavior Scale. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), pp. 163-177.

Chicago 16th edition
Zelyurt, Hikmet and Bahadir Koksalan (2020). "Development of the Perceived Middle School Teacher Behavior Scale". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (1):163-177. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2020.236.9

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