Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(4) 151-166

Motives of Pre-service Classroom Teachers for Sports Activity Participation

Süleyman Can & Sabahattin Deniz

pp. 151 - 166   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.220.9

Publish Date: December 29, 2019  |   Number of Views: 844  |  Number of Download: 1479


The current study aims to evaluate the pre-service classroom teachers’ motivations to participate in sports activities. The study group of the current research employing the survey model is comprised of the students attending the Department of Classroom Teacher Education in the Education Faculty of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. A total of 295 students; 212 females and 83 males, participated in the study on a volunteer basis. The research employed the “Sports Participation Motivation Questionnaire” developed by Oyar, Aşcı, Çelebi and Mülazimoğlu (2001) to collect data. In the analysis of the collected data, SPSS program package was used. In order to determine the between-groups difference, “t test” and “variance analysis” were employed.    In light of the findings of the current study, it can be argued that the female students’ motivation to participate in sports activities (in the sub-dimensions of team spirit, making friends, desire to compete, skill development and be active) is higher than that of the male students. Depending on the grade levels, it was found that the first year students’ motivation to participate in sports activities is more oriented to being with friends when compared to the second year students. The students stated that they spend an hour doing sports a week; thus, they feel relaxed and gain new skills. The students stating that they are not interested in any branch of sports in the university also stated that they are willing to participate in sports activities. Though there are no licensed athletes in their families, some of the students want to be active in sports activities due to their desire to compete and make friends. As a result, it can be maintained that the classroom teachers view sports participation as a need and their motivation in this respect is high.

Keywords: Motivation, sports education, lifelong sports, sports motivation

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Can, S., & Deniz, S. (2019). Motives of Pre-service Classroom Teachers for Sports Activity Participation. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(4), 151-166. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.220.9

Can, S. and Deniz, S. (2019). Motives of Pre-service Classroom Teachers for Sports Activity Participation. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(4), pp. 151-166.

Chicago 16th edition
Can, Suleyman and Sabahattin Deniz (2019). "Motives of Pre-service Classroom Teachers for Sports Activity Participation". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 14 (4):151-166. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.220.9

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