International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(3) 237-267

Word recognition levels of first grade students: An application of word recognition inventory

Ayşegül Avşar Tuncay & Hakan Dedeoğlu

pp. 237 - 267   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1907-14-0002

Published online: September 29, 2019  |   Number of Views: 355  |  Number of Download: 957


Students are expected to recognize the vocabulary items appearing in a text in order for reading to be meaningful. The evaluation of word recognition is commonly considered in educational applications in order for reading to be meaningful for students and to identify and correct mistakes.  This study aims to exhibit the effectiveness of the inventory whose stages of preparation and implementation were process-based and which was developed for word recognition on determining the first graders’ word recognition levels. For this purpose, the Type 1 development research type of design and development research model was used to develop an instrument for students’ word recognition levels and thus to demonstrate its applicability. The study group was composed of 85 first graders who had been chosen in convenience sampling method. Student Information Form, Word Recognition Inventory-1 (WRI-1) and Word Recognition Inventory-2 (WRI-2) were used as the tools of data collection. Variance analysis (ANOVA) and independent groups t-test were used in comparing the students for WRI-1 inventory which met the conditions for normal distribution whereas Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U-test were used in comparing the students for WRI-2 inventory which did not meet the conditions for normal distribution. Consequently, it was found that the inventories, whose stages of preparation and implementation were process-based and which were developed to determine students’ word recognition levels, were effective in determining the primary school first graders’ word recognition levels.

Keywords: Word recognition, evaluating word recognition, word recognition levels, word recognition inventory, primary school first grade

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Tuncay, A.A. & Dedeoglu, H. (2019). Word recognition levels of first grade students: An application of word recognition inventory . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), 237-267. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2019.208.11

Tuncay, A. and Dedeoglu, H. (2019). Word recognition levels of first grade students: An application of word recognition inventory . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), pp. 237-267.

Chicago 16th edition
Tuncay, Aysegul Avsar and Hakan Dedeoglu (2019). "Word recognition levels of first grade students: An application of word recognition inventory ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 14 (3):237-267. doi:10.29329/epasr.2019.208.11.

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