Research article | Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(3) 7-25
pp. 7 - 25 | DOI:
Publish Date: September 29, 2019 | Single/Total View: 267/1.043 | Single/Total Download: 404/1.733
Language is the most basic tool for communication. There are four basic areas of skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each skill has a special importance in itself. Therefore, development of all skills will be beneficial for individuals. Writing skill is separated from other skills in that it has permanency. With writing, knowledge transfer could be realized through ages. People used the writing skill at points where oral expression was insufficient. Although writing skill is so important, it is the most challenging skill. This shows that writing skills should be developed with new methods in which students will be more active, rather than with traditional methods. The traditional method gives importance to the product that is produced at the end of the writing process instead of the writing process. However, this method prevents the development of writing skills in students. Nowadays, new methods have emerged out of the traditional method, and these methods gave importance to the process, not to the product. One of the methods that prioritize the process is the 4 + 1 Planned Writing Model. This model aims at the development of the student's writing skills and the active participation of the students in the process. When the fact that even the students whose native language is Turkish have difficulties in writing is considered, it is obvious that writing skill will become even more difficult for students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. These students' alphabets may be different and this may force them to improve their writing skills according to other skills. In these respects, it will be easier for those who learn Turkish as a foreign language to develop their writing skills with 4 + 1 Planned Writing Model. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 4 + 1 Planned Writing Model on the development of writing skills and writing self-sufficiency levels of students. The participants of the study, in which the pre-test post-test empirical model was used, were 12 students who learnt Turkish as a foreign language. The study lasted 10 weeks. In the study, the data related to the development status of students' writing skills were obtained by evaluating the texts written by the students at the beginning and at the end of the study. The data related to the writing self-efficiency were collected by the Writing Self-Efficacy Scale. The statistical analysis of the data was made by SPSS 21.000.
Keywords: Writing, 4 + 1 Planned Writing, Writing skills, Writing, Self-efficacy, Teaching Turkish to foreigners.
APA 7th edition
Bagci, H. (2019). The effect of 4+1 planned writing and evaluation model on developing writing skills and writing self-sufficiency levels of learners of Turkish as a foreign language. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), 7-25.
Bagci, H. (2019). The effect of 4+1 planned writing and evaluation model on developing writing skills and writing self-sufficiency levels of learners of Turkish as a foreign language. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), pp. 7-25.
Chicago 16th edition
Bagci, Hasan (2019). "The effect of 4+1 planned writing and evaluation model on developing writing skills and writing self-sufficiency levels of learners of Turkish as a foreign language". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 14 (3):7-25.