Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(2) 45-75

Value Literacy ' A New Model for Education of Character and Values

Gürkan Ergen

pp. 45 - 75   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.201.3

Publish Date: June 27, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 553/1.040   |   Single/Total Download: 1.215/1.886


Life without interaction and communication cannot exist, neither without choices. In communication, firstly every source and then every message has a value; likewise, every choice humans are to make each and every second is a result of an e‘value'tion. Because there exists no moment or field without ‘value' and e‘value'tion, they end up in a numerous value exchanges and e‘value'tion processes occurring in numerous ways. Under all disagreements and conflicts lies the failure to perform a proper analysis of the value to be passed across in the exchange of value before us in particular and then this limitless value exchange process and the values governing our choices and the consequences thereof for ourselves and people around us. The primary concern of the present paper is to discuss the conceptualization of ‘value literacy' as a learning model allowing for an analysis of this kind. This is an analytical study based on an exhaustive review of the literature related to literacy, values, and character education. By allowing for the construction of relationships with an elevated awareness and sensitivity concerning the values underlying interpersonal relationships, 'Value literacy' has a notable potential for the resolution of conflicts in these relationships and reasoning thereof worthy of human dignity and for its capacity to complete literacy types such as values education, character education, personality development, emotion management, ethics literacy.

Keywords: Education, Values, Value Literacy, Values Education, Character Education, Literacy

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ergen, G. (2019). Value Literacy – A New Model for Education of Character and Values. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(2), 45-75. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.201.3

Ergen, G. (2019). Value Literacy – A New Model for Education of Character and Values. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(2), pp. 45-75.

Chicago 16th edition
Ergen, Gurkan (2019). "Value Literacy – A New Model for Education of Character and Values". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 14 (2):45-75. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.201.3

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