International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(2) 166-187

Effect of Activity-Based Visual Arts Education Program on Social Skill Levels of Children in Need of Protection for 7-12 Age Groups

Hande Savaş, Şehnaz Yalçın & Ayşin Satan

pp. 166 - 187   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2005-17-0003.R1

Published online: June 20, 2020  |   Number of Views: 200  |  Number of Download: 719


The aim of this research is to improve the social skills of children in need of protection for 7-12 age groups through visual arts education. In the study carried out within the framework of general purpose, the effect of the activity-based visual arts education program on the social skill levels of children in need of protection for 7-12 age groups is examined. Also, it was investigated whether there was a statistically significant difference regarding the social skill total scores of the children according to gender, parents' being alive, participation in any arts / sports activities and dominant hand use variable. For this purpose, 14 children between the ages of 7-12 who are staying in Üsküdar Hasan Tan Nursery and Küçükyalı Children's Houses Site of Turkey Republic Istanbul Governorship constitute the working group. Personal Information Form, Social Skill Assessment Scale (7-12 Age), Visual Arts Education Program were used as data collection tools. According to the findings obtained in the study, it was observed that the study group significantly predicted between the pre-test and post-test scores in favor of the post-test. Within the framework of the personal information form, it was observed that the study group was significantly predicted in favor of the post-test according to parents being alive variable, parental survival variable, participation in any arts / sports activities variable, dominant hand use variable. The findings obtained in the study were discussed in the light of the literature review and some suggestions for future research are presented.

Keywords: Art, Education, Visual Arts Education, Social Skills, Children in Need of Protection

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Savas, H., Yalcin, S. & Satan, A. (2020). Effect of Activity-Based Visual Arts Education Program on Social Skill Levels of Children in Need of Protection for 7-12 Age Groups . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(2), 166-187. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.251.9

Savas, H., Yalcin, S. and Satan, A. (2020). Effect of Activity-Based Visual Arts Education Program on Social Skill Levels of Children in Need of Protection for 7-12 Age Groups . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(2), pp. 166-187.

Chicago 16th edition
Savas, Hande, Sehnaz Yalcin and Aysin Satan (2020). "Effect of Activity-Based Visual Arts Education Program on Social Skill Levels of Children in Need of Protection for 7-12 Age Groups ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (2):166-187. doi:10.29329/epasr.2020.251.9.

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