International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(1) 275-293

An Explanatory Model of Academic Success

Yasin Demir & Tuncay Yavuz Özdemir

pp. 275 - 293   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1911-06-0002.R2

Published online: March 24, 2020  |   Number of Views: 348  |  Number of Download: 825


The aim of this study is to test the model which explains the academic success suggested by the researchers by considering the theoretical explanations and the results of the studies in the literature. The hypotheses tested in accordance with this general aim are: The number of social media accounts and the duration of internet usage positively and directly affect internet addiction, internet addiction negatively and directly affects academic motivation, academic motivation positively and directly affects school attachment and school attachment positively and directly affects academic success. In the model explaining academic success, measurement tools were applied to 205 high school adolescents. Internet Addiction Test-Short Version by Young, Academic Motivation Scale, School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents along with personal information form prepared by the researchers were used as data collection tools. Analyses were performed using SPSS 20 and AMOS software. In the test phase of the model, covariance matrix and maximum likelihood method were used. As a result of the analysis, the proposed hypotheses were confirmed and the proposed hypothetical showed compliance [χ2=75.510, df=33, χ2/df=2.288, RMSEA=0.079, SRMR=0.078, GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.89, CFI=0.88; IFI=0.80, TLI (NNFI)=0.85]. According to the results of the research it has been concluded that the higher number of social media accounts and the increase in the duration of internet usage leads to internet addiction, internet addiction negatively affects academic motivation, low level of academic motivation affects school attachment negatively and low level of school attachment does not negatively affect academic success.

Keywords: Academic Success, Academic Motivation, School Attachment, Internet Addiction

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APA 6th edition
Demir, Y. & Ozdemir, T.Y. (2020). An Explanatory Model of Academic Success . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), 275-293. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.236.15

Demir, Y. and Ozdemir, T. (2020). An Explanatory Model of Academic Success . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), pp. 275-293.

Chicago 16th edition
Demir, Yasin and Tuncay Yavuz Ozdemir (2020). "An Explanatory Model of Academic Success ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (1):275-293. doi:10.29329/epasr.2020.236.15.

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