International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1949-4270   |  e-ISSN: 1949-4289

Original article | Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2020, Vol. 15(1) 137-162

An Action Research on the Improvement of Writing Skill in Teacher Training

Üzeyir Süğümlü

pp. 137 - 162   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1911-26-0001.R1

Published online: March 24, 2020  |   Number of Views: 1538  |  Number of Download: 1250


The aim of the research is to improve the writing skills of students with procedure-based gradual writing training practice by positively changing their writing perception, attitude and motivation, anxiety and fear, lack of education, writing difficulties, and writing process. The present research is considered to be significant in terms of affecting the writing perception, attitude and motivation, anxiety and fear, writing training and process as a result of performing the writing training with a gradual procedure. The research was conducted with action research model from the qualitative research designs. The study group consists of 15 first grade students, 7 male and 8 female, who were studying in the Turkish Teaching Program at the Faculty of Education in a university in the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year. The criterion sampling method was used among the non-probability sampling methods in the determination of the study group. Data collection was performed with a semi-structured interview form. Two semi-structured interview form was used as before and after the application. The data of the research was collected in two stages from the students in the study group as before and after the application. The application consists of preparation, planning and forming a draft, writing, editing and reviewing, correction and presentation, and evaluation stages. The research data was analyzed with the content analysis technique. A code-category map of the obtained data was created by using a qualitative data analysis program, MAXQDA 12. Before the application, it was determined that students tried to write without planning, they were not willing to write and positive about writing, experienced writing anxiety and fear, their writing training was insufficient, they perceived writing as expressing emotions and thoughts, and didn’t know how to write. It was concluded that the writing perceptions of students were positively changed, their motivation increased and they were positive about writing, their writing anxiety and fear decreased/eliminated, they could write in a planned and prepared way, did not experience writing difficulties, their insufficiencies in writing training was eliminated and learned how to write.

Keywords: teacher training, writing skills, writing training, writing process, action research

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sugumlu, U. (2020). An Action Research on the Improvement of Writing Skill in Teacher Training . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), 137-162. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2020.236.8

Sugumlu, U. (2020). An Action Research on the Improvement of Writing Skill in Teacher Training . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15(1), pp. 137-162.

Chicago 16th edition
Sugumlu, Uzeyir (2020). "An Action Research on the Improvement of Writing Skill in Teacher Training ". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 15 (1):137-162. doi:10.29329/epasr.2020.236.8.

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