Original article    |    Open Access
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 2019, Vol. 14(3) 312-329

Family triangulation experiences of Turkish young women

Mustafa Alperen Kurşuncu & Şule Baştemur

pp. 312 - 329   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.208.14

Publish Date: September 29, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 177/870   |   Single/Total Download: 231/1.503


This study aims to explore Turkish young woman' family triangulation experiences. The phenomenological research design of the qualitative tradition was utilized. The sample of the study comprised 10 Turkish young women who were selected through convenience sampling. During the data collection, semi-structured interviews were preferred. Data analysis were also conducted via content analysis. Participants reported insufficient problem/conflict solving ability of their parents where causes mediator role of children. Holding a parental role, defending the one parent as participants perceive he/she is weak, and feeling caught in the middle were the factors in relation to mediating pattern. A number of participants described the children and fathers in their own families as scapegoats. Coalitions were one of the most frequently reported theme and mainly indicated mother-children pulled in and father ‘outsider' form of a triangular relationship. Triangulated children expressed emotional reactance of angry, distant and disappointment as they play a mediating role during the conflicts. Only one participant was able to act without dragging into conflicts and maintained a balanced position of triangulation. Moreover, all findings of the current study were briefly discussed in the context of the value of children theme as it is the fact that material/economic expectations of parents sharply decrease, and emotional expectations increase from children.

Keywords: family triangulation, young children, family dynamics, intergenerational relationships

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Kursuncu, M.A., & Bastemur, S. (2019). Family triangulation experiences of Turkish young women. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), 312-329. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.208.14

Kursuncu, M. and Bastemur, S. (2019). Family triangulation experiences of Turkish young women. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(3), pp. 312-329.

Chicago 16th edition
Kursuncu, Mustafa Alperen and Sule Bastemur (2019). "Family triangulation experiences of Turkish young women". Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research 14 (3):312-329. https://doi.org/10.29329/epasr.2019.208.14

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